The flower sculptures Hopfenschirme (umbrellas of hops) are woven willow screens able to define urban spaces. From within these umbrellas are colonized by the hop alive. Three of these living objects were installed in March 2010 in the central square in the Bavarian town of Seßlach. They are part of five works by students of the Fine Arts Mon aco of Bavaria on the occasion of the 675th anniversary of the founding of the small medieval town.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe umbrellas of hops combines three major aspects of recurrence: the past, represented materials are regional and craft traditions, the future, represented by the language and the construction of the installation and the community in joining the collective action has led to the project. In a three-day workshop, fresh cane were woven by students and locals on a steel support structure.
Since then, the umbrellas are changing constantly changing both color and tactile surface is twisted because of the hop from ' grows on the inside struttura. Le piante sono state messe a dimora all’interno di sacchi da giardinaggio collocati nel fusto degli ombrelli.
Questi oggetti di 5x5m di estensione e 3m di altezza sembrano muoversi come trottole futuristiche nella piazza del municipio, un tempo completamente vuota. Oggi offrono spazi per passeggiare, sostare ed incontrarsi e la loro lieve ombra ospita mercatini e fiere oltre ad esser diventato punto di riferimento centrale per gli abitanti della città.
testo originale di Martin Lersch - traduzione di Stefan Pollak
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