AkØ è un modello , un insieme di strategie-tecnologie-idee progettuali e tradizioni che punta a rendere sistemico un modo di costruire architetture sostenibili.
Il punto di partenza è già parte del nome e della sua declinazione: materiali locali / conoscenze globali.
ma cosa vuol dire architettura a chilometro zero?
Di fatto l'architettura in passato ha sempre sfruttato le risorse locali (umane e materiali) sviluppando tecniche costruttive e linguaggi stilistici a partire dalle disponibilità del territorio circostante.
L'avvento dell'industrializzazione e, successivamente, of globalization have contributed to upset this relationship between territory and architecture . In some cases this has produced record of excellence in research topics such as standardization and prefabrication or in knowledge and development of materials, but in most cases (the building that covers 90% of our territories) has produced a disconnect between local knowledge (of the territory, its dangers, its characteristics and its resources) and building construction. Just think of generations of artisans custodians of traditional building techniques in stone or wood, (I think about Luciano and his brick vaults without rib), erased by the massive use of brick and cement.
implications of this overbuilding of the territory can be read anywhere in the world but much more evident in developing countries where the western building models, most often "copied" to be understood without coming into violent contradiction with local realities. We have recently learned how a poor country like Peru is commonly used the name of "materiales nobles" and the concrete examples of these contradictions can be found wherever there is a gap between tradition and construction.
Recover So that relationship between territory and architecture not only allows valtuare overall sustainability of the building process, but ensures a reduced consumption of resources for the benefit of total costs. If we insert in the evaluation process material handling, its effects on the environment or the devastating effects of industrialized production of thermal insulation products that help achieve high energy savings at the expense of an inability to be recycled or disposed of, we come to the realization that the sustainability and bio-architecture issues are very complex.
Ako wants to be a way to address these issues, starting with simple elements, easy assembly, able to engage in constructive processes so that future users, as participants in the construction industry devoted to building "sustainable".
Così come in passato esperienze di nicchia hanno coagulato forze ed interessi intorno a progetti che puntavano sulla qualità e sul rapporto con il territorio in altri settori produttivi (penso ad esperienze come Slowfood o la Cucina a Chilometro Zero), AkØ aspira a diventare un marchio riconosciuto in grado di catalizzare energie ed esperienze diverse sotto la bandiera di una reale sostenibilità del processo costruttivo legato ai materiali locali.
to be continued.....
di Mauro Saccone
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