La valenza terapeutica delle acque della sorgente Brentella della FONTE DI GIUNONE è stata nei secoli ribadita da numerose testimonianze e da ripetuti accertamenti medici. L'Azienda Terme ha fatto svolgere negli anni 1989-1991 un lavoro sistematico e probante, affidando ad esperti ricerche geologiche e cliniche per accertare scientificamente the type and validity of water in traditional therapies and mineral water resorts. Having fulfilled
depth studies and clinical research that led to the water as the source of Brentella Juno sources are characterized by: tolerance ocular mucous membranes and skin, (Berti). Activities
diuretic, uricosuric, choleretic, gastro-secretory (Berti).
tolerance and profitable use in the treatment with aerosol - inhalation (Ricci and Carner).
tolerability and recommended for use in infants (Gaburro).
positive activities in the mineral water treatments (Boselli). Shares
uricolitica, gastro protective and digestive, bowel-relaxing, laxative, choleretic and colecistocinetica (Gualtierotti).
This and more at the spa of Juno.
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