Paesaggio tra Acquaviva e Gioia del Colle ed un segnale F.S.
Finally I managed to find time to try to create the landscape in the form of straight line between full Acquaviva and Gioia del Colle.
The line is located on an embankment, then raised (a few centimeters in scale 1:160) from the surrounding landscape, a road runs along the single track and almost at the end of module has a cross to the left towards a level crossing with its toll FS, previously presented (the position relative to the curb box drive level crossing has been corrected after Mario - small lynx "she pointed out that the same invading the road too).
Here are the stages of the landscape.
I first painted with brown tempera Profile del terreno (precedentemente indurito e modellato con dello stucco steso su diversi strati di nastro adesivo di carta, attaccato su sostegni di polistirolo).
A tempera asciutta, ho steso un velo di colla vinilica leggermente diluita e cosparso il tutto con dell'erbetta (quest'ultima è stata ricavata "grattando" su un vecchio avanzo di foglio di erba della Noch, color verde primavera); per assicurare l'incollaggio ho premuto leggermente prima di lasciare il tutto ad asciugare.
Per gli spazi di terreno ho utilizzato semplicemente della "vera terra di Basilicata presa dal giardino" finemente setacciata con un colino e lasciata cadere allo stesso modo dell'erbetta su di un velo di colla vinilica: ogni tanto quà e là è stata placed a few small stone embankment of the end of the woodlands' scenics. The latter was also used to build a country road on which the center line has been laid a bit 'of grass. On such land will then be "planted" crops (vineyards, olive groves, vegetable gardens and fruit trees) that are typical of areas of Puglia and of course will be laid between the rails and glued to the roadbed (80% and 20% brown-fine-fine buff always of woodlands'scenics).
I also tried to make a full line of signal FS
I used a few, simple and above all "poor" ingredients and a little 'patience.
A thin nail of steel (such as those used for the frames) to achieve pole, two small pieces of cork (about 0.3 to 0.4 cm square) for the base and the top rear of the sign, a piece of fiberglass insect screen (conveniently cut with ordinary scissors) used to achieve lineup, a record of printed paper to computer on a black background with a white border to support or "front" of the signal, a "slice" of about 2 mm long sheath made by a wire to the tube projection of the signal.
Having assembled everything with glue and "super attack" I painted a sign with acrylic paints (white, black and steel).
The result you see in the picture and I think with a little ' exercise can 'be improved (the piece cost me almost € 0.00 ....)
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