Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Explicite Movie Scenes

reflections on zero kilometer

AkØ è un modello , un insieme di strategie-tecnologie-idee progettuali e tradizioni che punta a rendere sistemico un modo di costruire architetture sostenibili.
Il punto di partenza è già parte del nome e della sua declinazione: materiali locali / conoscenze globali.
ma cosa vuol dire architettura a chilometro zero?

Di fatto l'architettura in passato ha sempre sfruttato le risorse locali (umane e materiali) sviluppando tecniche costruttive e linguaggi stilistici a partire dalle disponibilità del territorio circostante.
L'avvento dell'industrializzazione e, successivamente, of globalization have contributed to upset this relationship between territory and architecture . In some cases this has produced record of excellence in research topics such as standardization and prefabrication or in knowledge and development of materials, but in most cases (the building that covers 90% of our territories) has produced a disconnect between local knowledge (of the territory, its dangers, its characteristics and its resources) and building construction. Just think of generations of artisans custodians of traditional building techniques in stone or wood, (I think about Luciano and his brick vaults without rib), erased by the massive use of brick and cement.

implications of this overbuilding of the territory can be read anywhere in the world but much more evident in developing countries where the western building models, most often "copied" to be understood without coming into violent contradiction with local realities. We have recently learned how a poor country like Peru is commonly used the name of "materiales nobles" and the concrete examples of these contradictions can be found wherever there is a gap between tradition and construction.

Recover So that relationship between territory and architecture not only allows valtuare overall sustainability of the building process, but ensures a reduced consumption of resources for the benefit of total costs. If we insert in the evaluation process material handling, its effects on the environment or the devastating effects of industrialized production of thermal insulation products that help achieve high energy savings at the expense of an inability to be recycled or disposed of, we come to the realization that the sustainability and bio-architecture issues are very complex.
Ako wants to be a way to address these issues, starting with simple elements, easy assembly, able to engage in constructive processes so that future users, as participants in the construction industry devoted to building "sustainable".

Così come in passato esperienze di nicchia hanno coagulato forze ed interessi intorno a progetti che puntavano sulla qualità e sul rapporto con il territorio in altri settori produttivi (penso ad esperienze come Slowfood o la Cucina a Chilometro Zero), AkØ aspira a diventare un marchio riconosciuto in grado di catalizzare energie ed esperienze diverse sotto la bandiera di una reale sostenibilità del processo costruttivo legato ai materiali locali.

to be continued.....

di Mauro Saccone

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Smoking Nadine Jansen


SHELLter, un prototipo autocostruito da studenti e semplici cittadini con materiali naturali quali legno, aste vegetali e terra cruda. Un primo manufatto con questo sistema, basato su tecniche costruttive peruviane opportunamente reinterpretate, è stato realizzato nell’ambito di un workshop svoltosi a giugno 2009 a Roccamontepiano (CH), da un gruppo di studenti di architettura, professionisti e cittadini.

La filosofia del low-tech , che utilizza materiali localmente disponibili e mantiene semplici le singole operazioni d’assemblaggio al fine di poter contare sul contributo di persone non-experts, based essentially the three spheres of teaching, research and professional practice.

For the vertical walls were woven panels hence, this the name you take in America Latin structures of woven cane on wooden frames to provide support for a mixture of clay, sand and straw. The wall was doubled to accommodate an insulating layer, forming a wall of 25cm with a light structure and good thermal behavior.
For the coverage was revised system developed by Domocaña Raquel Barrionuevo of ' Universidad Nacional de Lima Engineers, using homegrown instead of bamboo canes. The shell shape gave the structure a surprising strength for many of the participants in the workshop. Even the cover has been doubled to allow for insulation and ventilation.

In a second workshop, held in September 2009, the prototype of the surfaces were coated with plaster made by the students using lime, clay, sand and pozzolanic earthenware.



Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stream Bottomless Party

causes extreme skill at the helm of motroretta are forced to temporarily halt the fishing ... the rest was also a beautiful ceremony at the emergency room ... more 'with 5 days of fractured bones routes in one fell swoop. (Many nurses ammicavano)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

How Much Should I Sell A Used Vcr

RESTRICTIVE prognosis of 40 days ..... Fulvio

After a nice catch of 2.2 kg we fixed them to enjoy the sun.

At one point we hear the horn from the road. It was decided to go and see.

A trailer was trying to reverse them in half resulting in 50 vehicles stopped.

you sudden alert, no improvement and we left everything as it was.

Mica we can be there all the day to make a little sign of coming back to Bruce Springsteen .....

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Indian Tv Frequencies

...... God bless you

Here (in comments) the fishing adventure of our friend Fulvio with wife, dog and camper ..... too funny

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Schema Bosch Dishwasher

Greetings From The Dock

Here is the result of the morning today. A touch, a fish. A pound and four hundred; mica go to dock us grow hair ....

Friday, May 1, 2009

Gallstones And Pain In Right Leg

A nice ......" YOU MAE "

A nice ....... TE MAE !!!!!!!! who said that it is still early and all those who do not take so much ...." niente...." TE MAE!!!!!!!! (perchè oggi ci siamo...e domani anche)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunflower Field Waialua 2010

" Sgransi "2009

Dopo voci incontrollate sentite in giro di catture improbabili come pesci estinti e creature mitologiche incluse, rieccoci qui con prove tangibili....
La prima è, come al solito, quella di Max.
Oggi sotto la pioggia è arrivata la mia: due pesci entrambi sul chilo che non sono male per essere i primi.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Legenda O Orlim Gnieździe

Terme di Agnano Campania

Known in Roman times, these baths are in the area of \u200b\u200bCampi Flegrei: after the flooding of the entire area spas disappeared and were forgotten until the middle of 800, when it met again after a clean light is the Roman structures that the sources of which even Pliny had spoken in his works. Today
uses the waters of two springs, and De Pisis Strudel, useful for treating rheumatic and neuralgic diseases, is also engaged in mineral water therapies for gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disorders, ear nose and throat diseases inhalations and irrigations. Details
saunas Stoves in San Gennaro, which exploit volcanic gases at high temperature (40-70 ° C). The spa complex is equipped for pediatric therapies and beauty treatments.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Samantha 38g Filmographie

Albanese Terme di Spezzano Cosenza

Albanian Spezzano is a municipality in the province of Cosenza, located 320 meters above sea level, which has about 7,000 inhabitants.
The thermal springs were discovered relatively late in the eighteenth century, and actually used from the beginning of '900 and since then the facilities have been exploited continuously and repeatedly reworked.
of 5 are only two sources are actually used, the source of grace and Turio which provides water-sodium chloride hypotonic, effective for the treatment of gastric disorders, and hepatobiliary tract. Water flows from the source Turio salt, bromine and iodine used for treatment inhalation in the treatment of sore throat and respiratory system. The spa also features a modern fitness center.
Terme di Spezzano: tel. 0981 953713

Good Roulette Numbers

Lamezia Terme di Caronte Catanzaro

Established in 1968 following the union of municipalities of Nicastro, and Sambiase Eufemia, Lamezia Terme extends from the southern slopes of Mount Reventino to the Gulf of St. Euphemia on the Tyrrhenian coast. The city hosts the most important airport in the region.
Spas Charon, housed in the village of Nicastro, were already known in Roman times, but the abandonment of the whole area during the Middle Ages brought an end the use of sulphurous-sulphate-alkaline-iodine-arsenic.
During the fascist projects were restarted and the first use of the facilities were further enhanced and modernized in the late '60s.
The thermal waters that gush out at a temp'eratura of 39 °, are indicated for the treatment of skin diseases, gynecological and respiratory diseases.
For more information: Terme di Caronte SpA tel 0968 27996

Pinis Check By Female

Fonti Sant'Elia Terme di Galatro

Located at the foot of the Sila and a few kilometers from the National Park of Aspromonte, at the confluence of the rivers stop and Metramo, Galatro Terme is a town of 1,191 inhabitants in the province of Reggio Calabria.
The history of the Baths of St. Elias meet their own story with that of the monastic orders that are active in these zone, utilizzavano le acque termali per la cura dei malati loro affidati.
Il primo vero e proprio stabilimento termale fu costruito nel 1882, grazie all'interesse del sindaco GianBattista Buda: da allora le terme, che sfruttano le acque sulfuree-salso-iodiche che scaturiscono da numerose fonti sui fianchi del monte Livia alla temperatura costante di 37°, sono state conservate e potenziate. Le acque delle Terme di Sant'Elia sono adatte per patologie dermatologiche, ginecologiche, reumatiche e respiratorie.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Latin Kings And Nortenos

Terme Sibarite Cassano allo Ionio

Situate a Cassano allo Ionio, nei pressi dell'antica città di Sibari, le terme Sibarite possono vantare un'antica storia di utilizzo delle acque 'ipotermali, sulfuree, mediotermali' (secondo la classificazione di Marotta, del Messini e del Sica) già conosciute ai tempi della colonizzazione greca e, ancor più, in epoca romana. L'attuale stabilimento venne costruito su ruderi presistenti nel 1952, anno in cui iniziarono analisi chimiche che avevano lo scopo di valutare proprio le potenzialità delle sorgenti termali.
Ciò che caratterizza le acque delle terme SIbarite di Cassano allo Ionio è la presenza di idrogeno solforato di origine biologica che pare derivare da riduzioni di composti ossidati dello zolfo e, come ha osservato Florenzano in uno dei suoi studi, "da decomposizione di materia organica solforata ad opera di distinte attività batteriche". La temperatura dell'acqua è costante a 25 gradi centigradi.
Sono diverse le springs used:
- Water dell'Appicello: less and less hot mineral point to be used when needed by the population for drinking water, flows from the Stone Castle in the North-East.
- Caldane of water: so called because it is warm in winter and cool in summer, this rich source springs from a natural cave at the foot of the Tower of Milo.
Water Stove: so called because of its high degree of thermal source is leaking from a crack located on the eastern side of the rock.
of Water clocked means a source that comes from the same source of the stove, considered the best uses for healing. Trabucco
of Water: Takes its name from the old fountain that has three ports from which emerges the precious water.