COULISSE a 8 binari e due ingressi (bidirezionale)
is the first module built an 8-way slide to represent the "rest of the world": from DF to Bari Acquaviva C.le and Gioia del Colle to Taranto. The drawer is manual, therefore without complicated servomechanisms. the electrical system is simple and completed by 8 switches to provide power to only one of the 8 tracks of slide. Below shows the wiring diagram and some photos taken after the construction.
Monday, October 9, 2006
Thursday, October 5, 2006
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I thought of starting from an existing line of Railway, more precisely in the Murgia, connecting Taranto to Bari, focusing on the stretch between the Acquaviva Sources and Gioia del Colle: the latter is actually also a center of the branch is jointing Gioia del Colle, Altamura, Gravina, which continues to power or Spinazzola Rocchetta, and then, on the river Ofanto. The stations played, not the truth, the path will be those of Acquaviva delle Fonti and Gioia del Colle.
The route then will be a single track line (Now two-stroke) between the two transit stations (Acquaviva delle Fonti and Gioia del Colle).
The aim is to create bi-directional transport of passengers and goods in an age that can be placed in the period between the beginning of the 80s and early 90s according to a railway timetable established a priori. The best way to do this, I think, is to create a path point-to-point between two or more locations rather than an oval.
I thought of something "mixed" but an oval with a point-to-point operation:
line over the two transit stations, Acquaviva and Gioia del Colle, Bari goes to (the first) and from Taranto (the second). It will, for that purpose, made una coulisse a due ingressi a simulare "il resto del mondo" oltre Acquaviva delle Fonti in direzione Bari e oltre Gioia del Colle in direzione Taranto.
Una stazione nascosta (per ragioni di spazio) completa il quadro della linea che da Gioia prosegue verso Gravina di Puglia.
Pertanto un convoglio che ad esempio da Gioia del Colle parte verso Taranto, viene accolto dalla coulisse e poi come stabilito da un orario ferroviario dalla stessa riparte verso Gioia e quindi Acquaviva, realizzando il viaggio di ritorno verso Bari.
Questo rappresenta per me l'idea essenziale per chi vuole costruire un impianto ferroviario immaginario in scala, ma che, allo stesso tempo, riproduca qualcosa che si avvicina alla realtà di una ferrovia, e cioè lo spostamento di cose e persone da una località ad un'altra.
In effetti in precedenza avevo anch'io un concetto di fermodellismo che portava alla costruzione di veri e propri 'ottovolanti' e circuiti ovali in cui i convogli circolavano senza mai fermarsi ... "Illuminante" è stata la lettura di alcuni articoli sul Bollettino degli Amici Scala N, ' Giochiamo meglio con i nostri plastici ' (Anno X - N.51) e ' FREMO Italia, prove tecniche di passione ' (Anno XII - N.52).
Anche con oggetti più piccoli di 160 volte rispetto a quelli reali lo spazio è un vero tiranno.
Ecco quello che sono riuscito a piazzare in un ambiente disponibile di 480cm x 120cm.
I thought of starting from an existing line of Railway, more precisely in the Murgia, connecting Taranto to Bari, focusing on the stretch between the Acquaviva Sources and Gioia del Colle: the latter is actually also a center of the branch is jointing Gioia del Colle, Altamura, Gravina, which continues to power or Spinazzola Rocchetta, and then, on the river Ofanto. The stations played, not the truth, the path will be those of Acquaviva delle Fonti and Gioia del Colle.
The route then will be a single track line (Now two-stroke) between the two transit stations (Acquaviva delle Fonti and Gioia del Colle).
The aim is to create bi-directional transport of passengers and goods in an age that can be placed in the period between the beginning of the 80s and early 90s according to a railway timetable established a priori. The best way to do this, I think, is to create a path point-to-point between two or more locations rather than an oval.
I thought of something "mixed" but an oval with a point-to-point operation:
line over the two transit stations, Acquaviva and Gioia del Colle, Bari goes to (the first) and from Taranto (the second). It will, for that purpose, made una coulisse a due ingressi a simulare "il resto del mondo" oltre Acquaviva delle Fonti in direzione Bari e oltre Gioia del Colle in direzione Taranto.
Una stazione nascosta (per ragioni di spazio) completa il quadro della linea che da Gioia prosegue verso Gravina di Puglia.
Pertanto un convoglio che ad esempio da Gioia del Colle parte verso Taranto, viene accolto dalla coulisse e poi come stabilito da un orario ferroviario dalla stessa riparte verso Gioia e quindi Acquaviva, realizzando il viaggio di ritorno verso Bari.
Questo rappresenta per me l'idea essenziale per chi vuole costruire un impianto ferroviario immaginario in scala, ma che, allo stesso tempo, riproduca qualcosa che si avvicina alla realtà di una ferrovia, e cioè lo spostamento di cose e persone da una località ad un'altra.
In effetti in precedenza avevo anch'io un concetto di fermodellismo che portava alla costruzione di veri e propri 'ottovolanti' e circuiti ovali in cui i convogli circolavano senza mai fermarsi ... "Illuminante" è stata la lettura di alcuni articoli sul Bollettino degli Amici Scala N, ' Giochiamo meglio con i nostri plastici ' (Anno X - N.51) e ' FREMO Italia, prove tecniche di passione ' (Anno XII - N.52).
Anche con oggetti più piccoli di 160 volte rispetto a quelli reali lo spazio è un vero tiranno.
Ecco quello che sono riuscito a piazzare in un ambiente disponibile di 480cm x 120cm.
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Step Dad With Daughter
Oggi, 3 ottobre 2006, invio questo primo post per iniziare a descrivere il plastico in scala N che sto costruendo. In breve dico solo che:
Oggi, 3 ottobre 2006, invio questo primo post per iniziare a descrivere il plastico in scala N che sto costruendo. In breve dico solo che:
- il plastico sarà in stile italiano (tra la seconda metà degli anni '80 e la prima metà degli anni '90)
- l'armamento sarà PECO (codice 55)
- la tipologia della linea sarà un ovale ma con esercizio di tipo punto-punto (una figura in un post successivo sarà più esplicativa)
- la linea riprodotta sarà Bari - Taranto e Gioia del Colle(BA) - Gravina(BA), tenendo presente that stations played (not true) in the plastic will Acquaviva delle Fonti (BA), Gioia del Colle (BA)
- replace a drawstring self-built stations of Bari and Taranto, and there will be a station for the shadow line beyond Gioia del Colle (BA) to Gravina (BA)
view from the top of the line:
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
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Kai Dog
Origin: Japan.
Classification FCI: Group 5 - Spitz and primitive type. The
Kai Dog descended from medium-sized dogs have existed for a long time in Japan. Its area of \u200b\u200borigin is in the district of Kai, Yamanashi Prefecture, a region surrounded by mountains. This race, which has also been given the name Kai toraken, was declared in the year 1934, "national monument". In the past, the breed was primarily used for hunting deer and wild boar. It is assumed that the pronounced tendency to go blank has helped to preserve the purity of the breed. General appearance: medium sized dog. It is a very well proportioned dog, sturdily built and equipped with strong muscles. This breed has the typical characteristics of a dog who lives in the mountainous region of Giappone.Carattere, the race is now considered almost exclusively a companion dog. At least Europe is not used for hunting. Japan is still used for its original use. This dog is always a dog very valuable in terms of character because of its docility and intelligence. It is very faithful and cheerful. It's a dog that expresses happiness. Is very nice-looking, both for his behavior. Very good companion dog for the whole family. Has no major health problems. It lends itself well to live at home or in an apartment even if he prefers the air aperta.Carattere, the race is now considered almost exclusively a companion dog. At least in Europe is not used for hunting. Japan is still used for its original use. This dog is always a dog very valuable in terms of character because of its docility and intelligence. It is very faithful and cheerful. It's a dog that expresses happiness. Is very nice-looking, both for his behavior. Very good companion dog for the whole family. Has no major health problems. It lends itself well to live at home or in an apartment even if he prefers the outdoors.
Origin: Japan.
Classification FCI: Group 5 - Spitz and primitive type. The
Kai Dog descended from medium-sized dogs have existed for a long time in Japan. Its area of \u200b\u200borigin is in the district of Kai, Yamanashi Prefecture, a region surrounded by mountains. This race, which has also been given the name Kai toraken, was declared in the year 1934, "national monument". In the past, the breed was primarily used for hunting deer and wild boar. It is assumed that the pronounced tendency to go blank has helped to preserve the purity of the breed. General appearance: medium sized dog. It is a very well proportioned dog, sturdily built and equipped with strong muscles. This breed has the typical characteristics of a dog who lives in the mountainous region of Giappone.Carattere, the race is now considered almost exclusively a companion dog. At least Europe is not used for hunting. Japan is still used for its original use. This dog is always a dog very valuable in terms of character because of its docility and intelligence. It is very faithful and cheerful. It's a dog that expresses happiness. Is very nice-looking, both for his behavior. Very good companion dog for the whole family. Has no major health problems. It lends itself well to live at home or in an apartment even if he prefers the air aperta.Carattere, the race is now considered almost exclusively a companion dog. At least in Europe is not used for hunting. Japan is still used for its original use. This dog is always a dog very valuable in terms of character because of its docility and intelligence. It is very faithful and cheerful. It's a dog that expresses happiness. Is very nice-looking, both for his behavior. Very good companion dog for the whole family. Has no major health problems. It lends itself well to live at home or in an apartment even if he prefers the outdoors.
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Kai Dog
Origine: Giappone.
Classificazione F.C.I.: Gruppo 5 - cani di tipo spitz e tipo primitivo.
Il Kai Dog discende dai cani di media taglia existing for a long time in Japan. Its area of \u200b\u200borigin is in the district of Kai, Yamanashi Prefecture, a region surrounded by mountains. This race, which has also been given the name Kai toraken, was declared in the year 1934, "national monument". In the past, the breed was primarily used for hunting deer and wild boar. It is assumed that the pronounced tendency to go blank has helped to preserve the purity of the breed. General appearance: medium sized dog. It is a very well proportioned dog, sturdily built and equipped with strong muscles. This breed has the typical characteristics of a dog who lives in the mountainous region of Giappone.Carattere: race oggi è considerata quasi esclusivamente un cane da compagnia. Almeno in Europa non viene utilizzato per la caccia. In Giappone viene ancora utilizzato per il suo impiego originario. Questo cane rimane sempre un cane molto apprezzabile dal punto di vista caratteriale a causa della sua docilità e intelligenza. È molto fedele e allegro. È un cane che esprime allegria. Molto simpatico sia di aspetto, sia per il suo comportamento. Ottimo cane da compagnia per tutta la famiglia. Non ha grandi problemi di salute. Si presta bene per vivere anche in casa o in appartamento anche se preferisce l’aria aperta.Carattere: la razza oggi è considerata quasi esclusivamente un cane da compagnia. Almeno in Europa non viene utilizzato per la caccia. In Giappone viene ancora used for its original use. This dog is always a dog very valuable in terms of character because of its docility and intelligence. It is very faithful and cheerful. It's a dog that expresses happiness. Is very nice-looking, both for his behavior. Very good companion dog for the whole family. Has no major health problems. It lends itself well to live at home or in an apartment even if he prefers the outdoors.
Origine: Giappone.
Classificazione F.C.I.: Gruppo 5 - cani di tipo spitz e tipo primitivo.
Il Kai Dog discende dai cani di media taglia existing for a long time in Japan. Its area of \u200b\u200borigin is in the district of Kai, Yamanashi Prefecture, a region surrounded by mountains. This race, which has also been given the name Kai toraken, was declared in the year 1934, "national monument". In the past, the breed was primarily used for hunting deer and wild boar. It is assumed that the pronounced tendency to go blank has helped to preserve the purity of the breed. General appearance: medium sized dog. It is a very well proportioned dog, sturdily built and equipped with strong muscles. This breed has the typical characteristics of a dog who lives in the mountainous region of Giappone.Carattere: race oggi è considerata quasi esclusivamente un cane da compagnia. Almeno in Europa non viene utilizzato per la caccia. In Giappone viene ancora utilizzato per il suo impiego originario. Questo cane rimane sempre un cane molto apprezzabile dal punto di vista caratteriale a causa della sua docilità e intelligenza. È molto fedele e allegro. È un cane che esprime allegria. Molto simpatico sia di aspetto, sia per il suo comportamento. Ottimo cane da compagnia per tutta la famiglia. Non ha grandi problemi di salute. Si presta bene per vivere anche in casa o in appartamento anche se preferisce l’aria aperta.Carattere: la razza oggi è considerata quasi esclusivamente un cane da compagnia. Almeno in Europa non viene utilizzato per la caccia. In Giappone viene ancora used for its original use. This dog is always a dog very valuable in terms of character because of its docility and intelligence. It is very faithful and cheerful. It's a dog that expresses happiness. Is very nice-looking, both for his behavior. Very good companion dog for the whole family. Has no major health problems. It lends itself well to live at home or in an apartment even if he prefers the outdoors.
Thursday, July 6, 2006
Peyton Dress Angel Of Death
Sunday, May 7, 2006
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